
Pascagoula Child Support Lawyer

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Best Pascagoula Child Support Lawyer

Pascagoula Child Support Attorney

One of the more critical components of a divorce is determining a child support arrangement. This helps ensure a child is taken care of. This is a specific plan that details what financial contributions the higher-earning spouse will pay the other to cover a child’s basic expenses. Landing on a child support arrangement can be contentious, as both parents might disagree over how much is enough. A Pascagoula child support lawyer can help simplify the process.

At Taylor & Cox Law Firm, we understand how overwhelming it can be to find the right child support arrangement for you and your family. It’s why many have already trusted our legal knowledge and experience to get the job done. Whether you have concerns over how the payments will be calculated or are unsure if the financial status of both divorced parents qualifies for a child support arrangement, we are here to investigate and provide the answers you need.

What Factors Determine Final Child Support Arrangements in Pascagoula?

Successfully determining a final child support arrangement can be a complex process that is influenced by many different unique factors to your situation. However, regardless of the specifics of your case, nothing will change the fact that the court will prioritize the interests and well-being of the children involved.

Some of the most influential factors in these cases include:

Income of Both Parents

The income of both parents is one of the most foundational elements in determining final child support numbers. The courts will review both sources of income, including their annual wages, bonuses, commissions, and any other source of money. Mississippi law uses a percentage of the non-custodial parent’s adjusted gross income to calculate payments.

However, the court could deviate from these guidelines in some scenarios. One of the more common examples of this is when one parent earns significantly more than the other one. In these cases, the higher-earning spouse may have to contribute more to maintain the child’s standard of living that they grew accustomed to when their parents were still married and living together.

Custody and Parenting Time

The details of a custody arrangement will also impact child support. For instance, when one parent has been awarded sole custody, it’s typical for the other parent to pay child support. This becomes less cut and dry when both parents are awarded shared custody. This is when the courts will evaluate how equally the parenting time will be divided. If one parent in Pascagoula will spend considerably more time with the child, the other parent may need to pay more child support.

Child’s Needs

The child’s needs will always be front and center when making child support calculations. Mississippi courts will look into what basic necessities will need to be financially covered, such as food, clothing, and shelter. Other special expenses could also influence this calculation, such as if the child has a medical condition that requires ongoing healthcare expenses or requires specialized schooling that costs more than public school.

Existing Debts and Financial Obligations

Each parent’s financial responsibilities that will carry on into their independent life will also be factored into the final child support decision. This can include if they have any outstanding debts like a mortgage, car loan, or other child support obligations from a previous marriage. The court’s goal is to ensure that neither parent is placed under financial strain as they try to balance a fair and necessary child support order with their other financial obligations.

Health Insurance and Medical Costs

It’s important for a child to have health insurance until they are of age to obtain their own. The courts will assess which parent is better suited to provide coverage through their employer or private insurance. Beyond the scope of traditional health insurance, the court may also require contributions for uninsured medical expenses, such as deductibles, co-pays, or dental and vision care.

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How Much Is a Child Support Lawyer?

The cost to hire a child support lawyer varies. Their cost is based on factors like how complicated the case is to solve, how many years of experience the lawyer has, and what type of region they practice out of. In addition to the traditional lawyer fees, other costs like court filing fees and mediation expenses can be added to the final bill. It’s important to discuss your budget with a lawyer before hiring them to ensure they are affordable.

Can I Get Out of Paying Child Support in Mississippi?

Legally avoiding child support payments in Mississippi can be extremely difficult, as the law is designed to prioritize a child’s right to financial support. However, there are some circumstances where the payments can be reduced or terminated. For example, if the non-custodial parent experiences a loss of income, they can petition the court to modify the original order. If the receiving parent remarries, it may end their need for financial assistance.

How Long Does a Parent Pay Child Support in Mississippi?

Child support payments in Mississippi are typically mandated until the child reaches the age of 21. However, there are some exceptions where it may end sooner, such as if the child marries, joins the military, or becomes legally emancipated before turning 21. If any of these scenarios come to fruition, the payments could end. It’s important to note that even if these payments do end, any unpaid child support is still owed to the child.

Is Child Support Tax Deductible in Mississippi?

No, child support payments are not tax deductible. They are also not considered taxable income for the receiving parent. This is because the point of child support is to provide for a child’s needs rather than creating a financial advantage or burden for either parent from a tax perspective. However, there are other financial aspects, like claiming a child as a dependent, that can impact your taxes for the better.

Contact the Taylor & Cox Law Firm Today

If you have questions about what child support payments should look like for you and your family, contact our law firm today. Our experienced Pascagoula family lawyers have been helping others just like yourself for many years in this space and would be honored to extend our knowledge and experience to deliver the strongest child support arrangement possible.

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